Welcome to Buenos Aires, La Capital Federal de la Republica Argentina. Figuratively translated from the Spanish language, Buenos Aires means "City of Fair Winds." An enchanting, cosmopolitan metropolis, Buneos Aires is a captivating city with a history dating back almost five centuries.
While you roam the city, you will be delighted by the city's dazzling architecture of old and new. European architects from France, Italy, Spain, and Britain (to name a few) each played a role in sculpting the metropolis that is Buenos Aires today.
Similar to New York City, B.A. (or BsAs) exemplifies an urban chic during the day and thriving nightlife after the sun departs. Restaurants do not start to fill up for a diverisified mix of scrumptious meals until well past 9pm.
With all the different neighborhoods and plazas to explore, the city offers history, entertainment, recreation, amusement, delicious delicatessens, and an open atmosphere for all to enjoy.
What are you waiting for? Let's explore El Ciudad de Buenos Aires!